Proven AOP technology
Various products and application both from the UK and internationally.

AOP5 fitted to a cooling tower at Kent County Council removing the need for biocide chemicals.

Two AOP100’s installed into a skid complete with pumps and fitration equipment for installation on cooling towers at Sellafield nuclear reprocessing site in Cumbria.

Two AOP100’s treating process water at an electronics manufacturer in China.

AOP20 used for sterilisation of drinking water at a treatment works in Poland.

AOP5 fitted to the rain water harvesting system at Polypipe Terrain training centre in Kent.

AOP20 fitted to cooling towers at the National Valencia Hospital, Spain, replacing biocide chemicals.

AOP100 treating process water at an automotive parts manufacturer in Sweden.

An AOP50 installed onto the mains cold water supply to a London Prison.

AOP5 fitted to the mains cold water supply to a hospital in the Leicetershire NHS Trust.